
Gräff Robotics doesn't only optimate the cycle time of your plant, we also help you to get the required quality of components. We help you get the best because your customers also want the best.

Quality just doesn't mean the quality of I/O parts, but also the number of effective produced parts. In most cases, rising the average quality is more sensible as pushing down the cycle time.

For example:
A plant produces seam-welding parts by a cycle time of 20 seconds and 15% defective goods.

This means (in one shift counted with seven hours) a waste product of 1071 parts. If you improve the cycle time around 5% you get 55 effective parts in one shift, but you have 199 defective goods. If you improve the rate of defective goods around 5% and equal cycle time you get 63 more parts and "only" 126 parts of manufacturing loss.